EU foreign policy: theories & practice

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Michael HOLMES



The course aims to provide students with detailed knowledge and understanding of the following:

1. Key conceptual frameworks for interpreting EU foreign policy

2. The structures of EU foreign policy

3. The interplay between the EU and its member states in the foreign policy realm

4. The main areas of EU foreign policy activity (including trade, aid, security)


"EU Foreign Policy" looks at the full range of the EU's foreign actions. It is thus not narrowly about foreign policy, but also includes trade, aid and security questions. The course begins with some theoretical perspectives on EU foreign policy. It then looks at the processes by which EU foreign policy is made and managed. It then explores different aspects of foreign policy, including trade, aid and security dimensions. It does so through case studies, including examinations of EU environmental policy and migration policy.


Contrôle continu : coeff. 100



Keukelaire & Delreux (2014) The foreign policy of the European Union|| Westlake (2020) The European Union's new foreign policy|| Smith (2014) European Union foreign policy in a changing world|| Bindi & Angelescu (2012) The foreign policy of the European Union: assessing Europe's role in the world|| Hill, Smith & Vanhoonacker (2017) International relations and the European Union