Comparative Business Contracts

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Muriel Outters



Class 1: The legal system

  • The courts: hierarchy, jurisdiction, juries

  • The legal profession : professional / lay judges, lawyers

  • The plaintiffs : individuals / class actions

  • The remedies : punitive damages

  • The sources : Laws, statutes, case-law, common-law, equity

  • The rule of judicial precedent : comparison with the French system

  • The hierarchy of norms : international conventions, specificities in the USA (federal statutes, codes, constitution, checks and balances, judicial review) and specificities in England (European law, communautary law, Brexit)

  • Comparison between common law and civil law systems : conflicts, different languages, different logics

  • Civil rights and liberties

Class 2. Business entities - Business disputes

  • Business entities : Law of persons (legal personality), Company / corporate law (types of companies / corporations), Law of trusts (comparison between trusts and French fiducie, american trusts)

  • Labor law : types of contracts, comparison with French labor law, affirmative action

  • Business assets : Goodwill, Incorporeal assets, intellectual property law (trade marks, copyright, patents, designs, goodwill, trade names, know-how)

  • Business disputes : contract clauses, moot case

  • Alternative dispute resolution : Arbitration, mediation, arbitrators, mediators, arbitral courts, jurisdiction, contract clauses

Classes 3-4. Contract and tort

  • Contract law: civil contracts, commercial contracts. Formation, consideration, discharge, breach, damages, exemption clauses.

  • Consumer law : consumer protection, unfair terms.

  • Tort liability, remedies

Classes 5-6. Sale contracts and products liability

  • Special rules, international / domestic rules

  • Products liability, strict liability

Classes 7-8. Distribution contracts - Competition law

  • Different types : exclusive / selective distribution agreements, franchises, etc.

  • Different clauses : supply, territory, exemption, price, competition, confidentiality, etc.

  • Antitrust, abuse of dominant position, unfair competition, partitioned markets

Class 9. Data protection

  • Data protection and the GDPR


Modalités d'enseignement

The entire written and oral course is in English

Before the session: The course material is sent by e-mail to each student a few days before the session (about 10 pages). The students have the entire theoretical course before the session : they must read it very carefully and understand it, in order to have assimilated the fundamental theoretical knowledge necessary for the application during the session.

During the session :

  • Assimilation of knowledge : explanation and discussion of the course sent beforehand
  • Putting knowledge into practice
  • Analysis of legal situations and development of a solution using the legal rules studied : moot cases
  • Reading and analysis of documents with legal content (consultation on the Internet in class) : institutional sites, newspaper articles, court decisions from various jurisdictions, reading and analysis of contracts
  • Work in pairs or small groups
  • Some exercises collected and evaluated : moot cases, commentary on contract clauses
  • At the end of the session: short MCQ test to check understanding and to encourage the student to listen carefully during the session

