Business strategy

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



- An understanding of the global economy and international business
- An understanding of global management techniques
- An openness to accepting alternative ways of doing business in an age of disruption
- Acceptance that business models are changing and that CSR and Sustainable Development are forging business strategies


The course will aim to introduce students to the advanced and complex tenets of international business strategies for multinationals, SMEs, Start-ups and NGOs. At the end of the course, they will be able to:

- Identify the drivers, types and stages of growth in different regional, national and international contexts;
- Determine the key challenges which a growing organisation faces;
- Understand the dynamic nature of strategy across the lifecycle of growth-oriented entrepreneurial/innovative businesses;
- Explain the different strategic pathways which assist managers/entrepreneurs/innovators in successfully meeting the challenges of growth in a global environment;
- Understand and apply appropriate theoretical concepts, models, tools and techniques which facilitate appropriate strategies for growth;
- Evaluate alternative approaches to strategies for growth and their appropriateness to different entrepreneurial/innovative organisations in a global context;
- Recognise that in many situations there are a range of alternatives which should be evaluated;
- Appraise strategies for growth in an integrative perspective including strategy, entrepreneurship, international business and finance.


- Definitions of Business Strategy;

- Purpose of the Strategy: How do you know the strategy serves its purpose;

- Changing strategies: Is the new strategy successful?

- Measuring success with strategies;

- Growth Strategies: Identifying Opportunities in Market Trends;

- Identify and capitalize on emerging growth opportunities in fast-expanding markets;

- Strategic Frameworks for Competitive/Cooperative Advantage;

- Managing Through Digital Disruption: Learn skills and strategies to help successfully transform to meet the ever-changing needs of your marketplace and customers.


Modalités d'enseignement

The course will be composed of 24 hours of lectures where students are also called to actively do exercises.
The first hour will be devoted to reviewing the various topics. The second hour students will do exercises on the concepts learned and in the final hour present their work.
The sessions will try to provoke the active participation of the students. They will prepare a group presentation in order to encourage them to deepen a subject and train their oral expression skills.




All documents will be provided by the Professor based on recent articles in the press

Ressources Internet

- A list of updated resources is provided during the first class