A university open to the world
True to its tradition of openness, the Université Catholique de Lille was one of the first French universities to introduce international mobility, signing partnership agreements with American universities in the early 1970s. Still active today, these partnerships have been supplemented by agreements on all 5 continents. Since 2017, thanks to the Erasmus+ programme, it has also developed relations with countries bordering the EU and has initiated exchanges of students and staff in all disciplines in the Balkans and Georgia.
Establishing a partnership with the Université Catholique de Lille
To establish a partnership with the Université Catholique de Lille or one of its faculties/schools, you need to send a presentation of your university, the catalogue of courses taught in English (and/or French if applicable), the academic calendar and, if available, the guide for international students hosted on your campus to international@univ-catholille.fr. A partnership selection committee meets several times a year to review the proposals received.
Depending on the compatibility of the programmes, the partnership will be a global partnership allowing exchanges with several faculties/schools of the Université Catholique de Lille or bilateral (specific to one faculty/school).
Note: Research partnerships are managed directly by our Vice-Presidence in charge of Research or the specific research teams.