Equality, diversity, inclusion

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The Université Catholique de Lille is committed to ensuring that every student has the best possible conditions in which to develop and study throughout their time with us. Respect for diversity and the fight against discrimination are major challenges on the road to success at the Université Catholique de Lille. Find out what we are doing to promote equality, diversity and inclusion.

Mission Accueil Handicap (MAH)

With its strong values of openness, the Université Catholique de Lille is committed to welcoming all those who wish to pursue higher education.

It pays particular attention to people with disabilities, so that they can continue their studies and find their place in society and the world of work.

The MAH has 4 main missions:

  • Raising awareness within the university community of the need to respect the principles of accessibility and non-discrimination.
  • Putting in place facilities adapted to different situations of disability, whether temporary or long-term.
  • Leading the network of MAH referents in each establishment.
  • Informing teachers, administrative staff and students about the schemes in place.


Request for accommodation for students with disabilities (to be renewed each academic year)

Stage 1: When you register. Completion of the written accommodation request.

Stage 2: Appointment with the CPSU doctor. The doctor gives an opinion on the accommodation requested and makes recommendations to the school.

Stage 3: Decision by the institution. The institution makes a decision on the accommodation to be provided during courses and examinations and informs the student.

Contact Mission Accueil Handicap :
+(33) 3 20 13 40 31

Request accommodation for courses and exams on our website: https://mah.univ-catholille.fr/


Hearing aid device

The Université Catholique de Lille is gradually introducing a system on its campuses to facilitate access to courses and conferences for people who need a hearing aid.


Using a free app, the personal assistive listening solution streams live audio content via WiFi to any iOS or Android phone in the room.


Users can then follow their lessons or lectures more easily by connecting headphones or their hearing aid to their smartphone.


Download the Seinnhaser MobileConnect application on Android

Download the Seinnhaser MobileConnect application on IOS