European Company Law

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Training officer(s)



Forms of instruction

Effective presence: 24h

self-learning: 12h

Personal work: 12h

class participation 50% and written exam 50%

Examen : coeff. 1



<strong>In English</strong>|| M. Andenas &amp; F. Wooldridge, European Comparative Company Law, Cambridge University Press 2009.|| C. Barnard, The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, Oxford University Press 2016.|| S. Bartman (ed.), European Company Law in Accelerated Progress, Kluwer Law International 2006.|| P. Craig and G. de Búrca, EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, Oxford University, 2015.|| Luca, European Company Law, Cambridge University Press, 2017.|| A.Dorresteijn et al., European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International 2009., V. Edwards, EC Company Law, Clarendon Press 1999.|| C. Gerner-­-Beuerle &amp; S. Fleet (eds), Gore-­-Browne on EU Company Law, Jordans Publishing, 2017.|| S. Grundmann, European Company Law, Intersentia, 2011.|| B. Sjåfjell, Towards a Sustainable European Company Law. A normative analysis of the objectives, of EU law, with takeover directive as a test case, Kluwer Law International, 2009.|| G.-­-J. Vossestein, Modernisation of European Company Law and Corporate Governance. Some, Considerations on its legal limits, Kluwer Law International, 2010.|| , <strong>In French</strong>|| <strong></strong>C.Cathiard &amp; A. Lecourt, La pratique du droit européen des sociétés – Analyse comparative des, structures et des fusions transfrontalières, Lextenso, 2017.|| A.Cotiga, Le droit européen des sociétés. Compétition entre les systèmes juridiques dans l’Union, européenne, Larcier, 2013.|| G. Mustaki &amp; V. Engammare, Droit européen des sociétés, LGDJ, 2009.