Introduction to South American Legal System

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)



Forms of instruction

The course will be based on lectures that will highlight the main issues of
the sessions’ subject and complement the reading materials.
Students are expected to read the materials in advance and to actively participate in each
session by, either presenting and discussing, or only discussing issues related to the
proposed topic.

Assessment: The assessment will comprise in-class interventions + written report + final

Examen : coeff. 1



session1 :|| - Losano, M. G. Os Grandes Sistemas Jurídicos. Martins Fontes, 2007.|| - Neves, M. Transconstitutionalism. Hart Publishing, 2013.|| - Ribeiro, S.S.M. “The Brazilian Constitutional State” in Democracy after the Internet:, Brazil between Facts, Norms, and Code. Law, Governance and Technologies Series., Springer, 2016. Pp 63-94|| Session 2:|| - Basch, F. and Contesse, J. “International Law and Domestic Adjudication” in Gonzales-, Bertomeu J.F. and Gargarella, R. (orgs.) The Latin American Case Book, Routledge, 2016, - Lutz, E.L. and Sikkink, K. (2000) ‘International Human Rights Law and Practice in, Latin America’, International Organization, 54(3), pp. 633–659|| Session 3:|| - Saulino, M. F. and Asencio L. J. “The Protection of the Environment” in Gonzales-, Bertomeu J.F. and Gargarella, R. (orgs.) The Latin American Case Book, Routledge, 2016, - Ramirez S. and Maisley N. “The Protection of the Rights of Indigenous People” in, Gonzales-Bertomeu J.F. and Gargarella, R. (orgs.) The Latin American Case Book,, Routledge 2016., - Zaffaroni, E. R. “La naturaleza como persona: Pachamama y Gaia”. In Bolivia: Nueva, Constitución Política del Estado. Conceptos elementales para su desarrollo normativo,, 109–132. La Paz: Vicepresidencia del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, 2010.|| Session 4:|| - Clerico, L. et al. “Equal Protection” in Gonzales-Bertomeu J.F. and Gargarella, R., (orgs.) The Latin American Case Book, Routledge 2016., - Bello, E. “O Pensamento Descolonial e o Modelo de Cidadania no Novo, Constitucionalismo Latino Americano” in Revista de Estudos Constitucionais,, Hermenêutica e Teoria do Direito (RECHTD) 7(1):49-61, janeiro-abril 2015|| Session 5:|| - Gagarella, R. and Ugarte R. A. “Freedom of Expression and Social Protest” in, Gonzales-Bertomeu J.F. and Gargarella, R. (orgs.) The Latin American Case Book,, Routledge 2016., - OAS Special Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression: Chapter 7 “Desacato” Laws and Criminal Defamation|| - Ribeiro, S.S.M. “Freedom of Expression and its limits” in Democracy after the Internet:, Brazil between Facts, Norms, and Code. Law, Governance and Technologies Series., Springer, 2016. Pp 186-200., - Castells, M. Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age (2nd, edition). Polity Press, 2015.|| Session 6|| - Filippini, L. and Cavana, A. “Transitional Justice” in Gonzales-Bertomeu J.F. and, Gargarella, R. (orgs.) The Latin American Case Book, Routledge 2016.|| Session 8:|| - Pereira, C. A. “Law and Religion in Latin America. General Aspects of Law and, Current Concerns”, Law and Justice, the Christian Review, n. 162, 2009, - Alegre, M. and Ugarte, P. S. “Religious Freedom” in Gonzales-Bertomeu J.F. and, Gargarella, R. (orgs.) The Latin American Case Book, Routledge 2016.|| Session 9:|| - Bergallo, P. and Michel, A. R. “Abortion” in Gonzales-Bertomeu J.F. and Gargarella,, R. (orgs.) The Latin American Case Book, Routledge 2016||