Theater Improvisation

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Marguerite Clement


Be rigorous, disciplined and energetic
Wear relaxed clothing
- Know oneself better
- Express oneself in public
- Have self confidence
- Control stress
- Adapt and react to unknown situations
- Improve ability to work with others
- Listen to others in a group setting
- Increase spontaneity and creativity
- Overcome one’s limit/ take risks
- Through theatrical techniques (theater games and improvisations) we will work on:
o Space
o Listening
o Body and voice
o Silence
o Emotions
o The imaginary
o Sincerity and credibility
o Self-presentation (strong point and weak points)


Forms of instruction
- Analysis of practices/exchange of experiences
- Put in practice/role playing
- Group work
- Personal work/homework
Contrôle continu : coeff. 1



- L'affirmation de soi : Mieux gérer ses relations avec les autres - <a>Dominique Chalvin</a> -ESF Editeur|| - Mieux communiquer avec soi-même et avec les autres. Comment se faire confiance et lacher prise - <a>Céline Blondel</a> - <a>Gereso</a>|| - L'art du pitch- <a>Oren Klaff</a> - Eyrolles|| - Parler en public : TED, le guide officiel - <a>Chris J. Anderson </a>FLAMMARION|| - Mieux communiquer en entreprise grâce à l'impro théâtrale - <a>Carina de Cillia</a>, <a>Sylvie Maingraud</a>, <a>Richard Pineault</a> - ESF Editeur||