Code Cours
Language of instruction
Teaching content
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Program year


To efficiently follow the course, students should :
1- Listen to the course or to the videos broadcast in course, take down notes and ask questions if they do not understand anything during the course.

2. Read the legal documents and practical cases given in class, highlight the key points and keep their brain engaged!

3. Find the legal solution of the case study dealing with contract law, in the course or on internet. Then, give an answer after recalling the right rule, its application to the facts and always justify your position. It’s up to you to participate now!
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

1- Master the basic legal vocabulary of contracts and the main principles of law of contracts to hold a managerial position. For instance, students will be able to answer to the following basic questions such as: what is a contract? what distinguishes it from the offer to contract? What is a valid contract? Can we cancel a contract, if yes in which cases? If one of the parties to the contract does not perform it, what can I do?...
2- Understand and know how to analyze a contract: identify the key clauses …
3- Know how to negotiate a contract: avoid, for example, the abusive breaking of negotiations…
4- Adopt the correct reflexes when facing a problem of contract law: for instance, in case of non-performance by one of the parties to the contract, identify the legal solutions
5- Know how to identify the main commercial contracts and rights and resulting obligations
6- Know how to find the legal documentation to answer a question of law of contracts when it is possible
This course provides legal knowledge to better manage daily contracts within a company or in the context of privacy.
Understanding the conclusion, performance of contracts and the different ways in which a contract can end will be explained in this course.
French written civil law of contracts will be studied as well as some major commercial contracts.

This course is an interactive course: after explaining French law of contracts, the professor will give practical cases in law to the students and will ask them to answer by justifying their answer.

The pedagogy of the teacher is divided into three parts:
- theoretical basis provided by the teacher,
- implemented in practical cases or analyzes of legal documents,
- personal work (or in group) of deepening, to be carried out outside the hours of course.


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
lecture 15,00
Interactive class 15,00
PBL class 1,00
Overall student workload 31,00
50% of the assessment is based upon continuous assessment and 50% of the assessment is based upon the final exam.


DROIT CIVIL Brigitte Hess-Fallon, Anne-Marie Simon et Nicolas Vanbremeersch 12ème edition Dalloz -
Internet resources