Contemporary French Politics and Institutions

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)



Forms of instruction

This course will be assessed by a take-home exam based on a list ot topics and to be handed in at the end of the term. Students will be required to conduct their own bibliographical research on the topic they have chosen. Further details about format and expectations will be communicated in class.

Students will be encouraged to actively participate in order to deconstruct their possible preconceptions of French politics and the claim of a so-called "French exceptionalism". Comparison and share of knowledge regarding the polity they originate from will be more than welcome.

Contrôle continu : coeff. 1



Bréchon, P., <em>Les partis politiques</em>, Montchrestien, 1999.|| Cole, A., <em>French politics and society</em>, Routeledge, 2017.|| Crépon, S., Dézé, A., Mayer, N., <em>Les faux-semblants du Front national</em>, Presses de Sciences po, 2015.|| Dolez, B., Douillet A.-C., Fretel, J., Lefebvre, R. (dir.),<em> L'entreprise Macron à l'épreuve du pouvoir,</em> PG, UGA éditions, 2022.|| Elgie, R., Grossman, E., Mazur, A., <em>The Oxford Handbook of French Politics</em>, Oxford university press, 2016.|| Haegel, F., <em>Les droites en fusion. Transformation de l'UMP</em>, Presses de Sciences po, 2013.|| Lefebvre, R., "Dépassement ou effacement du parti socialiste (2012-2017)?", <em>Mouvements</em>, n° 89, 11-21, 2017 [online]|| Tiberj, V., "Running to stand still, le clivage gauche/droite en 2017", <em>Revue française de science politique</em>, vol. 67, 1089-1112, 2017 [online]||