Communication & Sustainable Development

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
3 intervenants professionnels
Program year


Students will gain a general understanding of the field of Communicating Sustainability and of its centrality and importance to the achievement of Sustainability goals.

These goals are set by international organizations, such as the United Nations, as well as by special climate conferences, governments, activists, NGOs, scholars, and businesses.

A paradox is that while a general consensus has been taking form as to the importance, broadness and even urgency of change in the area, no one will argue that we are on pace with, say, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals set for 2015.

This serves to underscore the importance of communicating sustainability effectively. At the same time, there is much long-term reason for hope, if short-term optimism evades us. New models for integrating sustainability into the firm’s activities bear the mark of originality and are quite compelling.

Students will achieve a theoretical understanding of these models, how they differentiate from more traditional approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility, and the implications they pose for the Public Relations and Communications professional.

Students will achieve a clear understanding of the field of Communicating Sustainability. Sustainability will be treated as a complex and evolving field, that embraces the intertwined themes of the environment, economic development and prosperity, and social progress.

• Effective communications in the field of Sustainability
• Different frameworks of Sustainable Development
• Relation and differences between CSR and Sustainability approaches
• New models for integrating Sustainability into the firm’s activities
• Challenges to the communications professional
• Communicating Sustainability from the societal and firm perspectives
• Creating Sustainability communications plans

The course content will combine theory, case reviews, workshops and teamwork. Student teams will create concept reports, creative briefs, and communication plans. Each team will treat 1 of 3 Sustainability cases: Chocolate slavery, Nespresso Ecolaboration, and KickStart.
The Sustainability Movement.

Introduction and overview.

Communicating Sustainability.

Choosing teams and selecting topic.

Workshop: developing a creative concept.

The Sustainability Story Part I.

To prepare, please:
• Research your topic.
• Read: United Nations Environment Program, “Communicating Sustainability: How to Produce Effective Campaigns.”
• Read: AdCracker, “How to write a creative brief.”

Workshop: developing a creative brief.

The Sustainability Story Part II.

To prepare, please:
• Explore: Futerra, the sustainability communications agency.

Workshop: team presentations of sustainability communication plans around a key creative piece (video, slides, or social media tool you have created).


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Independent study
Travail personnel indicatif 20,00
Overall student workload 38,00
Students will be assessed on two components:
Participation and workshops: 50%.
Final presentation and plan: 50%.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Continuous assessment
Etude de cas 3,00 1 50,00
Final Exam
2,00 1 50,00
TOTAL 100,00


Voir syllabus (given at the beginning of the year). -