Business Sociology

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Program year


Having followed the 2nd-year sociology introduction course.
- Studying and understanding how organisations really work, and the consequences on the daily work.
- Highlighting the social structure of a business (collective capacity, complex relations, power relations).
- Learning the basic concepts of organisational strategic analysis.
- Implementing the organisational investigation methodology (basics).
- Applying this reasoning to the organisation's social challenges: culture, identity, participation, decision-making and change issues.

This course develops the following professional skills:
- Understanding, analysing and interpreting one’s environment (general knowledge), including the global context.
- Designing and presenting a through-the-line communication strategy: drawing it up, presenting and defending it (being able to justify the choices made).
- Applying “principles” to every action: diligence, autonomy, interdisciplinarity, innovation, inventiveness.
- Being able to lead a team and to manage projects from start to finish, including in an international context.
Chapter 1: The classical school.
1. Postulates and principles.
2. Classical school of management: Fayol, Weber.
3. Scientific management movement: Taylor, Ford.

Chapter 2: Human relations movement.
1. The precursor: Elton Mayo.
2. Groups: Jacob Levy Moreno.
3. Group dynamics: Kurt Lewin, Rensis Likert.
4. Synthesis: Blake & Mouton.
5. Work motivation theories: Maslow, Herzberg, Mac Gregor.

Chapter 3: Systems theory applied to businesses.
1. General system theory: Ludwig Von Bertalanffy.
2. Complex systems: Kenneth Boulding.

Chapter 4: Social systems school.
1. Decision-making theories: Simon, Cyert et March.
2. Sociotechnical analysis: Emery et Trist.

Chapter 5: Contingency theories.
1. Configuration theory: Mintzberg.

Chapter 6: Strategic analysis.
1. Strategic analysis and power: Crozier & Friedberg.
2. Regulation school: Reynaud.

Chapter 7: Sociology of innovation.
1. Network & translation: Callon, Latour, Lazega.
2. Notion of project: Boltanski, Chiapello.


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Independent study
Travail personnel indicatif 15,00 Lecture de textes pour préparer le cours.
Overall student workload 30,00
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Continuous assessment
1,00 1 40,00
Final Exam
1,30 1 60,00
TOTAL 100,00


Les nouvelles approches sociologiques des organisations - AMBLARD H., BERNOUX P., et al. / Seuil, Paris, 2005
La sociologie des organisations - BERNOUX P / Seuil, Paris, 1985
Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme - BOLTANSKI L., CHIAPELLO E. / Gallimard, Paris, 1999
De la justification. Les économies de la grandeur. - BOLTANSKI L., THEVENOT Laurent . / Gallimard, Paris, 1991
« Eléments pour une sociologie de la traduction : La domestication des coquilles Saint-Jacques et des marins-pêcheurs dans la baie de Saint-Brieuc » - CALLON M

Dans "L’Année sociologique", n°36, 1986, P.169-208

L’acteur et le système. - CROZIER M., FRIEDBERG E. / Seuil, Paris, 1977
« Une influence limitée sur les économistes », - FAVEREAU O

In " Revue française de gestion", n° 139, 2002/3-4, P. 203-211.

Initiation à la sociologie - GIACOBBI M., ROUX J.P / Hatier, Paris, 1990
100 ans de management : un siècle de management à travers les écrits - JARROSSON B. / Dunod, Paris, 2000
La sociologie et l’intervention : Enjeux et perspectives - VRANCKEN D., KUTY O. / Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2001