Bachelor's Degree; Social Sciences - LEA (English, German)

Program type
First Degree
Admission mode
Admission level
High School Diploma in Litterature
Higher Education Programme (1 year)
2nd Year of Bachelor Program
High School Diploma in Sciences
High School Diploma in Economics & Social Sciences
Vocational High-School Diploma
Higher Education Programme (2 years)
Business - Economics - Management
Tourism - Transport
Arts and Humanities
Marketing / Sales
Foreign languages
Tourism and culture
Teaching method
Bachelor's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
0 h
6 semestres



Foreign Languages are becoming increasingly at the center of International trade. They are indispensable for the effectiveness of trade. Based on a interdependent relationship, international communication puts in symbiosis commercial know-how with linguistic knowledge. To manufacture a good product is difficult but to sell it is more difficult still, especially with foreign customers.
The field of study LEA (Applied Foreign Languages) offers a program that links the areas where a foreign language can be applied. The interface thus combines "yesterday" with "today".

The objectives of the LEA field of study are to learn a practical mastery of at least two foreign languages as well as the a pragmatic and applicable knowledge of other world civilizations; and of international skills applicable for reading and research
of a great number of specialized areas such as banking systems, tourism, insurance, statistics, commercial law, labor law, marketing, economy, accounting, financial management, and human resources management.


A practical application of the tools of mediation to the intercultural problems of mutual understanding, communication, logistic and collaboration that are resulting from the globalization of world economies and trade.

Semi-professional Internship the 3rd year.

A pragmatic specialization applicable at the international level in: economy, marketing, law, statistics, business strategy, financial logic, human resources, financial management, accounting, banking management, tourisme management, office automation management.

Continuation of study

- Master Affaires internationales trilingues Parcours : Marketing - Communication - Tourisme - Mode
- Master Communication numérique
- Master Communication d'influence
- Master Histoire - Relations internationales Parcours : Géopolitique - Sécurité défense - Environnement et transitions
- Master Journalisme international et d'investigation - Histoire
- Master en traduction et interprétation
- Ecole de commerce
- Enseignement

Teaching officer

International trade, tourism, logistics, transportation, marketing, logistics intermediaries (interpreting, translation, multilingual information management support, language audit) and international communication

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Licence Arts Lettres et Langues
Mention Langues Etrangères Appliquées
Parcours Anglais/Allemand

Diplôme en convention avec l'ULCO (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale)


3 years


Admission condition

Pour connaître les spécialités conseillées, rendez-vous sur le site de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines :

BTS/IUT ou VAE - sur dossier.
Validation pour l'admission en 2ème et 3ème année.

Admission modality

- En licence 1 pour les élèves de Terminale : candidature sur

- En licence 2 et 3 : candidature sur
Les candidatures se déroulent de mi-janvier à juillet.
Si vous devez faire une équivalence de diplôme pour entrer en Licence 2 ou Licence 3, candidatez avant le 30 avril.

Annual cost

voir les différents barèmes sur le site de la faculté :…
La faculté applique le principe d’un barème différencié prenant en compte à la fois les ressources et la situation familiale. Une contribution réduite est consentie, sur justificatifs, aux familles confrontées à des difficultés particulières. Habilitation aux bourses

Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification