Economic Analysis 2

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Marie-Noëlle Capelle, Sandra KENDO, Jean Pierre Marissal


Semester 2 of the course goes into further depth about concepts discovered in semester one. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics of social interaction (why groups appear? How opinions are formed?...) and businesses (What is a company and what are prospects for short and long-term market ?...). The course is rather "literary" and relies heavily on graphical analysis, and technical aspects are addressed in the algebraic framework of mathematics courses.
Part 2:
2.1. Social behavior
2.2. Why and how businesses appear
2.3. More indepth look at production
2.4. More indepth look at price mechanisms and markets
2.5. Determinants of inflation


Forms of instruction
• Lectures
The full slides used during the course are provided at the beginning of the semester in the form of a handout.
• Tutorials
The tutorials consist of an application of the course. The tutorial work is in the form of vocabulary tests, questions about lectures, computational exercises and analytical work.



Sloman, John (2008), « Principes d’économie », Pearson Education., ||Katz*, Michael L., & Harvey S. Rosen (1998), « Microeconomics », Mc Graw Hill., ||Pindyck, Robert, & Rubinfeld, Daniel (2005), « Microéconomie », Pearson Education, 6ème éd., ||Levitt, Steven D., & Stephen Dubner (2006), « Freakonomics », Denoel., ||Becker, Gary S. (1976), « The Economic Approach to Human Behavior » , The University of Chicago Press., ||Tullock, Gordon (2006), « Economics without frontiers », Liberty Fund, inc., ||Depken* II, Craig A. (2006), « Microeconomics demystified », Mc Graw Hill., ||Earl, Peter (1995), « Microeconomics for business and marketing », Aldershot, UK : Edward Elgar., ||Lemennicier, Bertrand (2002), « Microéconomie, théorie et applications » (CD-rom), BWM Mediasoft,