Team project

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)


The proposed initiative is a collective entrepreneurial approach to achieve predefined objectives (creation or practical implementation).
As a business, you need to manage and organize human resources, write the budget, find ways to finance it and of course to achieve goals through well-defined steps.

The meaning of the proposed initiative
1 - Professionalization
Through these projects, students are immersed in the reality of teamwork in pursuit of a common goal. The aim is to expose them to the complexity of the workplace to help them mature:
Learn about themselves and others at the level of investment made.
Make decisions together by comparing the differences of opinion. negotiate in preserving the unity of the group.
Managing time and multiple activities which, on occasion, require difficult choices .
Stress Management.
Through all these aspects, an aspect very complementary to conventional teaching is discussed. Less academic and theoretical, it can be much faster operational in the professional world.

2 - Valuation of résumé for internships and jobs
Achievements can be valued in the CV. This is something that makes a difference to a recruiter when choosing


Forms of instruction
Suivi du projet par un tuteur qui valide l'idée puis le cahier des charges. Le tuteur se tient à la disposition du groupe tout au long du projet pour le conseiller et faire ressortir des points importants oubliés ou mal pris en compte.
En aucun cas le tuteur décide à la place de l'équipe qui reste souveraine sur ses orientations.
Contrôle continu : coeff. 1
