Press Review

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Allison LEIGHTON, Christophe Leroux



To have a B1-B2 level in English/ To be interested in the English press and journalism


Students should be able to analyse/paraphrase/discuss/report/debate the press in all it’s aspects, including television/newspapers/internet articles etc...

They should be able to determine if the source is bias or non bias.

They should be able to present a television newscast in it’s entirety(news/weather/special reports/sports/interviews etc...


The course involves discussing how to analyse a newspapr article.

How to read same article

How to write and analyse headlines

How to write an article for a news source

Writing said article

How to analyse a TV broadcast(local and national

How to present a TV news broadcast

Presenting a TV news broadcast(Final assessment)


Forms of instruction

The course lasts 12 hours.

The teacher will use the British/American press to prompt the students into discussion.

To talk about current events, but also how they follow and understand the press.

Grammar also includes compound nouns/past simple and various grammar and non grammar forms used to create headlines and write articles.

Watching past TV reportage(September 11,2001) or current event

Contrôle continu : coeff. 1
