Libertés fondamentales

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Denis Dendoncker



The course is a basic course on competition and intellectual property. Knowledge of the basic concepts of competition law (such as basic notions, basic EU law provisions, knowledge of market definition etc.) would be beneficial to follow the course, especially at the beginning. This being said, a "refreshment" on basic notions of competition law will also be provided in the first part of the course.


The Course is aimed at providing students with the basic concepts related to the interaction between competition law and IP law, as well as providing an outline of the main jurisprudence on the subject.

- identify the main issues related to the interaction between intellectual property rigths and competition law

- know the most relevant case law of the EU courts on the topic


- Introduction: the interface between competition policy and intellectual property rights, basic competition law notions

- Application of Article 101 TFEU to agreements related to intellectual property rights

- Application of Article 102 TFEU and intellectual property rights

- Merger control and intellectual property rights

- State aid and intellectual property rights


Forms of instruction

The evaluation method is a mix of continuous assessment (general active participation during the lectures + students will be asked to prepare a presentation on a topic or on a judgement), a moot case where students will be assigned a role in a hypothetical case, and a final oral exam. A written assignement (likely to be towards half of the course) might also be required.

Examen : coeff. 1



1) Bioy Xavier, Droits fondamentaux et libertés publiques, Montchrestien, coll. Cours|| 2) Cabrillac Rémy (sous la direction de), Libertés et droits fondamentaux, Dalloz, coll. CRFPA grand oral|| 3) Favoreu Louis, Gaïa Patrick, Ghevontian Richard, Mélin-Soucramanian Ferdinand, Pena-Soler Annabelle, Pfersmann Otto, Pini Joseph, roux André, Scoffoni Guy et Trémeau Jérôme, Droit des libertés fondamentales, Dalloz, coll. Précis|| 4) Guinchard Serge (sous la direction de), Examen d’entrée dans un CRFPA. Le grand oral. Protection des libertés et des droits fondamentaux, Gazette du Palais-Lextenso éditions|| 5) Hennette-Vauchez Stéphanie et Roman Diane, Droits de l’Homme et libertés publiques, Dalloz, coll. Hypercours|| 6) Letteron Roseline, Libertés publiques, Dalloz, coll. Précis|| 7) Renoux Thierry (sous la direction de), Protection des droits et libertés, La Documentation française, coll. Les Notices|| 8) Wachsman Patrick, Libertés publiques, Dalloz, coll. Cours