Introduction to the Robotics science

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Program year


Drawing on SolidWorks
Expected skills : 32 (321/322/323), 34 (341/342/343), 63 (633/634), 111 (1111/1112), 112 (1121/1122)

The market of robotic systems is in full changes: it moves from an activity of manufacturing robotics quite stable to a boom predicted by 2025 concerning the service robotics (the global turnover will reach 40 billion dollars compared with the 3-4 billion, at present).
At present time, all the big countries are strongly mobilized whether it is the United States, Japan or China and Korea. The mobile and cooperative robotics, strongly overlaps with the service robotics, concerns numerous application fields such as: the moving of charges of several robots and the picking up of objects in all zones unsafe for human life, the mine clearance, the planetary exploration, goods and people safety/observation, the culture and the heritage (mobile robots which acts as guide during the museum visit can interact with visitors according to the informational context) and the urban vehicles coordination.
We suggest students ( who want to discover robotics) to design and carry out an autonomous mobile robot which answers to a scope statement proposed by a client. This realisation will be made into two years during the M1 and M2 modules. The first step (M1), students have to design the mechanic part of robot considering all the robot's elements (engine, sensors, batteries, electronic cards, embedded PC) and make plans. The next year (M2), they will finish the mechanic design and will carry out the robot (sensors choice, engines choice, embedded PC, realisation of electronic cards, computer program structure). In the Advanced Robotics module, they will implement the navigation strategies necessaries to answer to given scope statement.
The course will show elements which constitute a mobile robot while insisting on the critical parts of it in order to give student the basis necessaries to a mobile robot construction. We are going to insist, more particularly, on the mechanic design of robot.
At the end of the course, student should know what are the elements which constitute a robot and what are the key-points that it is unavoidable to make attention to design a powerful mobile robot. It also must be able to design the mechanic part of a mobile robot and provide the associated plans.
Hardware components
Software components
Environment of simulation
Mechanic design
Mechanic design using SolidWorks.


Forms of instruction
Lecture Practical works with SolidWorks Personal work in the four-groups project form; the aim is to provide a mobile robot plans which include all its constitutive elements.
Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Lectures - face to face 14,00
Lab 7,00
Independent study
Independent study 24,00
Overall student workload 45,00
At the mid-term, students have to present a report with the planned solutions
At the end of the module, students have to present the accomplished work
A report has to be presented with the planned solutions and the final technical solution with the plan and the parts list.
Drawing in SolidWorks (assemblies and draft)
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Final Exam
Defence 0,50 1 12,50
Continuous assessment
Oral 0,50 1 12,50
Participation 20,00 1 50,00
Project Report 10,00 1 25,00
TOTAL 99,00


The robotics Primer - M. Mataric

MIT Press, 2007

Mobile robotic car design - P. Kachroo, P. Mellodge

The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2005