International Economics

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Claire THIBOUT, Yorou Tchakondo, Veronique FLAMBARD-VIGEANT



N.B : For International Exchange Students only, this course = 5 ECTS

Concepts of Microeconomics, including consumer theory, producer theory, market equilibrium, monopoly and monopolistic competition as well as concepts of Macroeconomics (including exchange rates and model of short run open economy). (Concepts will be reviewed in class)


N.B : For International Exchange Students only, this course = 5 ECTS

This course aims at expanding the students’ knowledge and understanding of: economic tools, international trade theory and policy, exchange rates determination and exchange rates policy, foreign exchange market, balance of payments and international financial investment.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to understand economic theory and its predictions. In addition to learning content, students shall also develop an ability to use these theories.


N.B : For International Exchange Students only, this course = 5 ECTS


The Theory of International Trade:
The Basic Theory Using Demand and Supply
Comparative Advantage and Factor Proportions
Who Gains and Who Loses from Trade?
Alternative Theories of Trade (time permitting)

Trade Policy:
Analysis of a Tariff
Non-Tariff Barriers to Imports
Arguments For and Against Protection
Pushing Exports (time permitting)

Understanding Foreign Exchange:
Payments among Nations
The Foreign Exchange Market
Forward Exchange and Financial Investment
What Determines Exchange Rates?
Government Policies & Foreign Exchange Market
Lending and Financial Crises (time permitting)


Forms of instruction

N.B : For International Exchange Students only, this course = 5 ECTS

Course material is introduced in class. Some newspaper articles are sometimes used as background material. Some case studies are occasionally presented. Applications are kept for the lab (TD).




<ol> <li><strong>Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld and Marc J. Melitz</strong>, <strong><em>Economie Internationale</em>, Theory and Policy, Pearson, De Boeck Université (it is available at the library).</strong></li> <li>Dominick Salvatore, <em>International Economics</em>, Wiley, (the 9th edition is at the library).</li> <li>Thomas Pugel, <em>International Economics</em>, McGraw Hill Irwin (it is in French at the library). 17th edition and previous editions can be also used</li> <li>Robert J. Carbaugh, <em>International Economics</em>, Thomson South-Western, (the 10th edition is at the library).</li> </ol> You can also use a textbook in French if you have too much difficulties studying in English such as :|| <ol> <li>Bernard Guillochon, Annie Kawecki, Frédéric Peltrault and Baptiste Venet, Economie Internationale, Dunod, 8th edition</li> </ol> <ul> </ul>