Global Governance

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Training officer(s)
Outi Korhonen



Forms of instruction

The administrative services shall provide students with a package of articles (2/3) which are non-freely accessible through the Internet, but do, instead, require subscription. These articles are also an essential part of the reading list and students should have access to them. There is no text-book for this course. Students should instead read the assigned reading materials in advance and be prepared to discuss them in class through debates and other active-learning exercises

Effective presence: 24h

Self learning: 36h

Personal work:36h

This course will require one 2.500 word final exam essay. It will be sent at the end to

The syllabus provides the students with selected readings for each of the sessions in which the course is divided

In class-participation may be a plus (up to 10%) in your final grade - but, never a minus!

Remember that you will be evaluated by your ability to engage creatively (and, critically, if that is your wish) with the materials at hand and the in-class discussion; your essays can be written either in English or French and should be provided with an original title. The use of footnotes is discouraged. However, if exceptionally, you need to refer, specifically, to the listed materials, you can include a note within the body of the text as following (e.g. see Ackerman).

Examen : coeff. 1



<strong>General Materials suggested by M.DE LA SALILLA Y DEL MORAL Ignacio:</strong>, <strong>Key text-books in English which can be used to supplement the required reading include :</strong>|| <ul> <li>M.N. Shaw, International Law (8th edn., Cambdrige: Cambridge University Press, 2017).</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Brierly's Law of Nations. An Introduction to the Role of International Law in International Relations, Seventh Edition Edited by Andrew Clapham Oxford University Press (2012).</li> </ul> <ul> <li>I. Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law (7th edn., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008) new edition by James Crawford available from September.</li> <li>M.D. Evans (ed.), International Law (4th edn., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014)</li> </ul> || <strong>Suggested readings by M.HASKELL John:</strong>|| <ul> <li>D Kennedy, When Renewal Repeats: Thinking Against the Box, 32 NYU Journal of International Law and Policy 335 (2000).</li> <li>C Tilly, Coercion, Capital and European States 990-1992 (1992).</li> <li>C Desan, Making Money: Coin, Currency, and the Coming of Capitalism (2014).</li> <li>P Mirowski, Machine Dreams: Economics Becomes a Cyborg Science (2002).</li> <li>L. Boltanski and E Chiapello, The New Spirit of Capitalism (2007).</li> <li>J. Smith, The Idea Brokers: Think Tanks and the Rise of the New Policy Elite (1991).</li> </ul>