cultural mediation

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Laura Lacomblez



There has always
been a complex relationship between music and literature. This relationship is
highlighted in hybrid-type songs, which combine poetry and melody. The
combination of the two in the works of Léo Ferré will be studied using audio
and video recording, as well as the texts.


Ferré’s musical adaptions of
Charles Baudelaire's sequence of poems Les
Fleurs du Mal

A seress of songs Ferré wrote
himself on the theme of the sea.





Les essentiels :|| <a>Bernard Lamizet</a>, <i>La médiation culturelle</i>, L'Harmattan, 2000|| <a>Jean Caune</a>, <i>La démocratisation, culturelle : une médiation à bout de souffle</i>, Presses universitaires, de Grenoble, collection <i>Art, culture, public</i>, 2006|| Jean-Louis, Hordé, <i>Le Démocratiseur, </i>Les, Solitaires Intempestifs, 2011|| Pour, approfondir la réflexion :|| Yves, Michaud, <i>L’Art à l’état gazeux</i>,, Hachette, 2003|| Nicolas, Bouriaud, <i>Esthétique relationnelle</i>,, Les presses du réel, 2001|| Claude, Patriat, <i>La culture, un besoin d’état</i>,, Hachette, 1998|| Fabienne, Brugère, <i>Le goût. Art, passions et, société</i>, PUF, 2000|| Yves, Michaud, <i>Critères esthétiques et jugement, de goût</i>, Editions Jacqueline Chambon, 1999|| Pierre, Bourdieu, <i>La Distinction</i>, Les, Editions de Minuit, 1979||