Cross-Cultural Management Speciality

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Program year


Being proficient in English.
- Understanding the main cross-cultural communication theories.
- Analysing the cultural elements and influences underlying the values, attitudes and behaviours of different cultures.
- Applying the various cultural dimensions and orientations to analyse cross-cultural situations.
- Distinguishing various communication styles and appraising them in their cultural context.
- Identifying the main cultural notions underlying cross-cultural differences in various situations.
- Developing cross-cultural sensitivity.

This course develops the following professional skills:
- Understanding, analysing and interpreting one’s environment (general knowledge), including the global context.
- Being able to work with all professional partners (agencies, companies, etc.).
- Developing your personality with an emphasis on values of integrity, open-mindedness, tolerance, and respect.
- Being able to lead a team and manage projects from start to finish, including in an international context.
I/ Definitions of culture
- Cultural elements, images and definitions.
- Objective and subjective culture.
- Visible and invisible culture.

II/ Culture and values.
- Importance of values and their impact on culture.
- Exploring stereotypes, preconceptions, generalisations.

III/ A few cross-cultural communication challenges.
- “Obstacles” to cross-cultural communication.
- Importance of non-verbal communication.
- Different communication styles.

IV/ The main cross-cultural communication theorists.
- Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck: cultural orientations.
- Edward T. Hall: any communication (verbal or non-verbal) is cultural; a model based on the importance of context, time, and space, in interpersonal interactions.
- Geert Hofstede & Fons Trompenaars: cultural dimensions.

V/ Living and working in a cross-cultural world.
- Cross-cultural interactions: from theory to practise.
- Working world: challenges and benefits of working in a new culture.
- Stays abroad: culture shock, stages of cultural adaptation.
- Cultural recognition and importance of respecting cultural differences.
- Practical tools to make cross-cultural interpersonal interactions easier.


Group project.


A detailed reading list will be given out to students in class. -