Diploma in health service management

Program type
Lifelong Learning
Admission mode
Paramedical and care
Teaching method
State Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
0 h
1 semestre



The Diploma in Health Service Management has the following aims:
- The global aim is to guarantee the quality of management. This contributes to assuring the efficiency and the relevance of the role of management through the exercise of responsibilities, in matters of training of personnel and administration of teams and activities (reference to the decree of 18th August 1995).
- The operational aims are focused on autonomy and decision making by the manager, the principles of management and leadership of a multidisciplinary team, the dynamics of a project and the transfer of theories into practice.


- To acquire, mobilise and use theoretical and practical knowledge and relationship skills necessary to versatility and adaptation.
- To develop thought-out analysis.
- To acquire and develop professional attitudes based on self-knowledge.
- To construct one’s personal identity.
- To learn to work in a multidisciplinary team and find one’s place in the institutional organisation.
- European exchanges in the framework of the INTERREG project.

Program for the award of a Bachelor of Education in partnership with the Lille 1 State University during the course at IFCS.

Teaching officer
Nathalie DEQUIDT, Directrice.

State and private hospitals and training centres, private practice, companies, public health, medical-social units…

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Diploma of Health Service Management awarded by the French DRJSCS (authority which represents the Ministry)
Conditions for graduation:
- validation of the course modules,
- after validation of these modules, the student may present his dissertation.


The program preparing for the Diploma of Health Service Management is offered full-time for 10 months continuously or part-time over two years, a total of 42 weeks with one week of paid holiday. The program consists of 26 weeks of theory and 15 weeks internship in a company outside the medical sector, in the medical sector and in training centres.


Admission condition


Admission modality


Annual cost


Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification