Diplôme Ingénieur ISEN

2nd year (CSI 2)

Etape de formation
2nd year (CSI 2)
Début des cours
Fin des cours
Crédits ECTS
The second year makes it possible to continue in and look of first year. Each student prepares his entry into the engineering cycle through various fields: sciences (Mathematical and physics), technologies (data processing, sciences industrial), people skills (communication, project control, realization in associative medium). Before entering the engineering course of study, a paid internship lasting at least one month.

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Physique S1+S2 A.HARBONNIER 12,00 0.00
2 Mathématiques S1+S2 T.VERHAEGHE 11,00 0.00
3 Sciences Industrielles S1+S2 G.HAW 7,00 0.00
4 Formation Humaine et Sociale S1+S2 A.GIREAU-GENEAUX 4,00 0.00
5 Anglais S1+S2 A.MAZEAUX 3,00 0.00
6 Informatique S1+S2 C.LEMAIRE 2,00 0.00
7 TIPE S1+S2 C.RICQ 2,00 0.00
8 Education Physique et Sportive S1+S2 L.DETAVERNIER 1,00 0.00
9 Seconde Langue : Allemand S1+S2 N.SEROT 2,00 0.00
10 Seconde Langue : Espagnol S1+S2 N.SEROT 2,00 0.00
11 Atelier artistique théâtral S1+S2 D.BOULINGUEZ 2,00 0.00

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