Diplôme Ingénieur ISEN

1st year (CSI 1)

Etape de formation
1st year (CSI 1)
Début des cours
Fin des cours
Crédits ECTS
The first year is largely devoted to establishing the foundational principles of mathematics and physics and technology. These two subject matters will then make it possible to understand and take into account the phenomena, materials and systems with which every engineer works. The courses also consist of data processing and the industrial sciences. As of the first year the engineering students of ISEN also profit from learning essential personal development. These courses touch on communication, project management, and responsabilization. Each person is involved in cultural, sporting, musical, and scientific non-profit organizations. Finally, English courses prepare for the First Certificate of Cambridge. A volunteer organizations internship of 15 minimum days during the summer is mandatory. The courses are worked out in small groups and include presentations and practical applications (TP, Project Execution).

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 Physique S1+S2 E.BELLEUDY 10,00 0.00
2 Mathématiques S1+S2 E.BELLEUDY 10,00 0.00
3 Sciences Industrielles S1+S2 E.BELLEUDY 5,00 0.00
4 Anglais S1+S2 E.BELLEUDY 3,00 0.00
5 Formation Humaine et Sociale S1+S2 E.BELLEUDY 3,00 0.00
6 Informatique S1+S2 E.BELLEUDY 3,00 0.00
7 Education Physique et Sportive S1+S2 E.BELLEUDY 2,00 0.00
8 Seconde Langue : Allemand S1+S2 E.BELLEUDY 2,00 0.00
9 Seconde Langue : Espagnol S1+S2 E.BELLEUDY 2,00 0.00
10 Atelier artistique théâtral S1+S2 D.BOULINGUEZ 2,00 0.00
11 TIPE S2 E.BELLEUDY 2,00 0.00

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