English 3

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Nelya Matusovsky, Julie Milsom, Stacey Pope, Marie-Cécile Lechable, Paul Devos, Catherine Le Moignic, Mary Munson, Clare Silvain, Stéphane Euphrasie


The final year of the Licence programme at the faculty will give students the opportunity to obtain external recognition and validation of their level of English by preparing and sitting an official Toeic test. This should prove an asset for any student applying for jobs, work placements or for entry to one of the many business schools or post graduate courses which already currently use the Toeic test to assess their own students Students should note that as of September 2007 changes to the format of the existing Toeic test will be introduced and you are advised to visit the following website for further information http://www.ets.org
The English courses in Licence 3 aim to provide the students with the language necessary to perform well in this test by familiarizing them with and consolidating their knowledge and understanding of the following subject areas:
Careers :• Jobs and responsibilities• Key company vocabulary • Discussing recruitment methods - Applications• Job advertisements -understanding the needs of a company• Education• Employment and working conditions
Workplaces :• Offices and the working environment • Office technology
Understanding professional communication/documentation• Telephoning• Meeting people and socializing• Meetings –Agendas, Minutes
Money :• Banking• Budgets• Invoices• Personal finance –banking, taxes. bills
• Insurance policies
Auto Formation :
Where ? Espace Langues
Content :• Preparation for the Toeic Test using Cdroms, books and other available resources as well as attending Toeic workshops


Forms of instruction
Encouragement of active class participation and involvement
• Study of Toeic practice tests to develop test strategy
• Discussions /Role plays/ Pair work around the themes covered
