Economic Analysis 3

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Dieudonné KADIMPEUL, Constantin Napoleon


The course of economic analysis I or at least an introduction to the basics of microeconomics (supply, demand, productivity, monopoly).
The course objective is to provide an overall vision and coherent changing macroeconomic environment acted upon by individuals, firms and governments. Four major themes are addressed:
1) Long-term inflation
2) Determinants of long-term economic growth
3) Structural unemployment
4) Fluctuations in economic activity in the short term and cyclical regulatory policies.
Almost the entire course is given at the beginning of the semester in the form of a manual to be completed with notes taken during class.
- Chapter I: Inflation
- Chapter II: Economic growth
- Chapter III: Structural unemployment
- Chapter IV: Introduction to fluctuations in economic activity
- Chapter IV: Economic cycles, demand shocks and cyclical economic policy (the IS-LM-FE)
- Chapter V: Business cycles and economic policy through the AD-AS model with fixed prices in the short term
- Chapter VI: The Microeconomic Foundations of sticky prices and short term wages
- Chapter VII: Inflation and unemployment: Phillips


Forms of instruction

La quasi-intégralité du cours est donnée en début de période sous la forme d’un manuel à compléter à l’aide des notes prises pendant les séances de cours.

Cours magistral: 24h
TD: 12h
Travail personnel: 65h
Charge de travail globale de l'étudiant: 102h




Olivier Blanchard et Daniel Cohen Macroéconomie chez Pearson, , Joseph Stiglitz Principes d’économie moderne chez de boeck, , Paul Krugman et Robin Wells Macroéconomie chez de boeck, , J.L. Bailly, G. Caire, C. Labiale, J.J. Quilles Macroéconomie chez Bréal, , G. Duchêne, P. Lenain, A. Steinherr Macroéconomie chez Pearson, , … et pour les « sceptiques », , Steve Keen L’imposture économique chez Les éditions de l’atelier, , Bernard Maris Antimanuel d’économie (en deux tomes) chez Bréal