
Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Nelya Matusovsky, Catherine Manouvrier, Julie Milsom, Diana CIUBACIUC, Panteleimon Tsiokos, Jennifer Eccles, Catherine Le Moignic, Alan Dingley



Equivalent to European Language Reference Framework B1. Some knowledge of economics is useful but not essential.


The course is designed to support students’ progress in English towards a solid B2 level through the study of a range of economic and business-related topics.


The course has several components. First, in-class tuition is structured around a series of themes such as: the language of trends, economic growth and business cycles, the role of government (taxation & spending, the welfare state),. Second, students are set a range of self-study tasks including work on grammar topics selected to support progress towards the B2 level and are provided with a set of selected economic readings.

Third, each week students are asked to prepare short presentations of topical or current affairs (economics related) and these often stimulate class discussions / debates, which are guided by the teacher. These presentations and discussions are an opportunity for all students to participate and receive advice and feedback from the teacher.


    Modalités d'enseignement

    In the classroom teaching uses a variety of practical methods based on practicing the 4 basic language skills. There is an emphasis on speaking and interaction, so debates and presentations are at the heart of the work. There are also short presentations by the teachers on the course themes (to stimulate debate), close textual analysis, video and audio for listening practice, and guided written tasks.

    Participation is strongly encouraged. Class sizes are kept to a maximum of around 16 to maximise the opportunities for all students.




      Say it with style, Judith Andreyev.||Business English, Paul Emmerson (short extracts from various textbooks)||The Guardian newspaper.||The Economist magazine.||Teacher’s own materials.||, <b> </b><i> </i>||