American Southern Literature: Poverty Without Progress…

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Gerald Preher



Poor Whites in the American South in Works by William Faulkner, Erskine Caldwell and Carson McCullers

During the 1920s and 1930s, American writers were keen to explore the economic situation of their country. With the 1929 crash, more people found themselves in precarious situations. The South, which had been neglected since the end of the Civil War was even more affected than the rest of the country. Its most realist writers endeavored to show the everyday hardships of those derogatorily called “white trash.” This class will focus on works by three major writers of the American South, William Faulkner, Erskine Caldwell and Carson McCullers, and deal with the depiction of race relations, the place of women, and southern landscapes. Students are advised to use electronic resources at the library and to look up the books available at the Bibliothèque Vauban.

Short stories included in the reader:

  • Erskine Caldwell, “Saturday Afternoon” (1930) and “Kneel to the Rising Sun” (1935).

  • William Faulkner, “Adolescence” (circa 1920s), “A Rose for Emily” (1930), “Dry September” (1931).

  • Carson McCullers, “A Tree. A Rock. A Cloud” (1942).

Novels to be purchased in recommended editions:

  • William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying, 1930. New York: Norton Critical Editions, 2010. [ed. Michael Gorra]

  • Carson McCullers, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, 1940. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.


Modalités d'enseignement

18 hours




|| Bibliography|| Bandry, Michel. Erskine Caldwell: Humour et misère. Paris : Belin, « Voix américaines », 1997.|| ---, ed. Erskine Caldwell. Profils américains 7 (1995). Université Paul Valéry—Montpellier 3/CERCLA.|| ---. Le Sud. Nancy : Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 1992.|| Buisson, Françoise. Faulkner : As I Lay Dying. Neuilly : Atlande, 2018.|| De Planchard de Cussac, Etienne. Le Sud américain : Histoire, mythe et réalité. Paris : Ellipses, 2001.|| Gray, Richard. Writing the South: Ideas of American Region. 1986. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1997.|| Hobson, Fred. Tell About the South: The Southern Rage to Explain. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1983.|| Hobson, Fred and Barbara Ladd, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Literature of the U.S. South. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.