La masculinité dans la littérature britannique d'Oscar Wilde à la fin de la Première Guerre Mondiale

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



Oscar Wilde’s only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, shocked and entertained the world, and played an important role not only in his fall from grace but in subsequent social and cultural definitions of what it meant to be a man (or indeed a person) in modern society. This course will examine that novel and its influence on notions of masculinity from the turn of the century through the devastations of the first World War, in the context of various cultural, artistic, and social movements.


Modalités d'enseignement

Cours magistral : 24 heures

Face à face pédagogique

Modalités d'évaluation : 1 contrôle continu et 1 examen final




<b>SET BOOK</b>|| Oscar Wilde, <i>The Picture of Dorian Gray</i> (1891), Penguin 2000|| <b>BIBLIOGRAPHY</b>|| Saki (HH Munro), the short stories “Gabriel-Ernest” and “The Penance”|| Joseph Conrad, short story, “The Secret Sharer”|| Rudyard Kipling, poem, “If–”|| TS Eliot, poem, “The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock”|| AE Housman, extracts from <i>A Shropshire Lad</i>: “5. Oh see how thick the goldcup flowers,” “13. When I was one-and-twenty,” “19. To an Athlete Dying Young,” “45. If by chance your eye offend you,” “49. Think no more, lad,” “56. The Day of Battle”|| Wilfred Owen, selection of poems, “Strange Meeting,” “Dulce et decorum est,” “Arms and the Boy”||||||