Licence Européenne de Droit bilingue - Campus Lille

Program type
First Degree
Admission mode
Admission level
A levels
Licence 1
Law and legal culture
European law
International law
Teaching method
Bachelor's Degree
Teaching language
ECTS Credits
Hourly volume
1805 h
6 semestres



A high qualified programme in European, International and Comparative Law

Main characteristics :

Lectures and Seminars in 3 languages (French, English, German or Spanish)
Exceptional involvement of visiting Professors coming from European and International Universities or Institutions
Original methods of teaching and evaluation: each visiting professor applying the specific methods used in his country of origin (UK, USA, Germany, Holland…)
Compulsory internship of 8 weeks in an international environment
Intensive language refresher courses in French, English, German and Spanish


- cours de droit en anglais
- approfondissement de la LV2 sous un volet juridique
- apprentissage d'une troisième langue
- stage de 8 semaines en entreprise ou université d'été à l'étranger

Continuation of study

LL.M. International & European Public Law
LL.M in International and European Business Law
LL.M in French Law (social law, criminal law, public law, private law, business law)

Teaching officer
Aurélien Raccah

assistant juridique, cadre de la fonction publique

Diplôme préparé et conditions d'obtention du diplôme

Licence Droit, Economie, Gestion
Mention Droit
Parcours type European LL.B.

Diplôme en convention avec l'Université de Toulouse 1


Faculté de Droit Lille, Licence 1 Européenne de Droit , 2023-2024, S1
Faculté de Droit Lille, Licence 3 Européenne de Droit , 2023-2024, S5
Faculté de Droit Lille, Licence 1 Européenne de Droit , 2023-2024, S2
Faculté de Droit Lille, Licence 2 Européenne de Droit, 2023-2024, S4
Faculté de Droit Lille, Licence 3 Européenne de Droit , 2023-2024, S6


Admission condition

Bac L, ES ou S
ou Bac+1, ou Bac+2 (DEUG, DEUST, BTS, DUT, CPGE...)
Maîtriser l'anglais et posséder une bonne connaissance de l'allemand ou de l'espagnol.

Admission modality

Pre-Registration forms are available for downloading on our website

Annual cost…
The Faculty of Law applies the principle whereby the student’s family situation and income are taken into account. By providing proof of financial difficulties, the student may be allowed to pay a reduced tuition rate.
It is also possible to register for social security and apply for State Grants.

Informations non contractuelles et pouvant être soumises à modification